Type canid
Size ~60 lbs
Color gray-brown to reddish brown
Attributes can climb, intelligent, social, toxic bite
Habitat urban verge, diurnal
Encountered frequently

Bandersnatch can be mistaken for coyotes even at close range — they're about the same size, and have very similar coloring, though bandersnatch tend to be more vivid — darker grays, brighter reds, yellower eyes. These canid ferals have a toxic bite; they do not produce venom themselves, but bites always fester badly, sometimes even to the point of requiring amputation. They are also quite capable climbers, not unlike the gray fox. Bandersnatch are most often encountered in small packs of three to six beasts, possibly with highly developed social organization and tactical reasoning; they seem to differ from wolf packs in hierarchy, but no one has collected enough data to be certain.

These ferals have an intelligence coyotes do not; it is apparent in their gazes, in the way they study target and terrain alike. They are quick, agile, and cunning beyond any natural canine; they specialize in ambush and concerted, slashing attacks, worrying at large prey until it bleeds out or sickens enough to finally be brought down. Bandersnatch are quite tenacious, willing to corner prey and lie in wait until it dies of thirst or starvation; it is thought that members of a pack will stand watch in rotation, allowing them to get food and water while denying it to their quarry.

To date, none have ever been caught alive in a trap, although a number of dead specimens have been brought in from snares. Injured bandersnatch have also been brought back to the city for study, but they invariably refuse to eat or drink and die within a few days.

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